mpo 700 mpo077 Der omnidirektionale MPO-700 ist die ideale Basis für High-End-Serviceroboter Seine vier OmniDriveModules ermöglichen ihm weiche Fahrten in alle Richtungen
mpo121 The MPO-700 must not be used for transportation of passengers in any way No Maintenance of the Neobotix MPO-700 is very easy and does not cause much work Der omnidirektionale MPO-700 ist die ideale Basis für High-End-Serviceroboter Seine vier OmniDriveModules ermöglichen ihm weiche Fahrten in alle Richtungen
mpo7777 The omnidirectional MPO-700 is the ideal base for high-end service Its four Omni-Drive-Modules enable it to move extremely smoothly into any direction The omnidirectional MPO-700 is the ideal base for high-end service robots Its four Omni-Drive-Modules enable it to move extremely smoothly into any direction